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Choosing The Right Color For Your House Siding



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What Shades Will Look Right On Your Home?

While you may want your house siding to be unforgettable, there is a fine line between “unique” and what your neighbors might consider ugly. Balancing the right shades of color on your siding, doors, window trim and roofing is essential so that your house doesn’t end up looking like a funhouse or give others the impression you’re color blind. As one of the premier siding contractors in Chicagoland, Opal Enterprises has helped hundreds of homeowners coordinate gorgeous color combinations for their house siding. Siding colors may be a personal choice, but a bit of expert input can make the final selection much easier.

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Find Out What House Siding Colors Work In Your Neighborhood

Your neighbors don’t have to be a part of the selection process for your color and trim choices, but you should keep in mind that your home is just one of many that make up your neighborhood. If you belong to a homeowner association, be sure you ask the association if there are color guidelines for any type of exterior improvements such as siding. You may find out that siding has to be approved by the association or stay within the same spectrum as other homes in the area.   One great way to get an idea of what might work for your own home is to drive through the area, preferably when the sun is shining, and right down color combinations you like. As experienced siding contractors, we can then help you narrow down the choices and point out unusual colors that would look good on your house. We will also prepare a few mockups using color combinations you’re interested in.

Analogous Colors Are Elegant

For house siding that gives your home a refined, elegant look, choose analogous colors for your siding and trim. Siding contractors can show you a variety of these subdued colors. You can choose two or three colors that are actually varying shades of the same color family for muted, serene effect or choose three colors that are side-by-side on a color wheel. Dark brown and coffee for your siding in a soft blue trimmed in a cool green are both examples of analogous colors.

Only high-quality materials from trusted manufacturers when handling siding installation

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Complementary Colors Add Contrast

For a bolder look, consider complementary colors for your house siding. We’re confident that Opal Enterprises can guide you in choosing a complementary color scheme that will be the envy of homeowners and siding contractors. Try a dark siding with light trim or vice-versa for a bold look.

Three’s A Charm

Triads are color combinations that include three colors rather than two. The main color is often of medium intensity, with brighter or darker trim. A triad can take the starkness out of complementary colors and has more depth than analogous themes. You don’t have to be afraid of color. Siding contractors can keep you from making expensive color mistakes when you’re ready to install house siding anywhere in the Chicagoland area and Suburbs. Opal Enterprises has been helping homeowners choose wonderful siding color combinations for years and we’re ready to help you find the right color palette to turn your house into a showplace.